
1 The name of the Choir shall be The Condate Singers
2 The object of the Choir is to entertain and educate the public in the musical arts by providing the opportunity for the inhabitants of Northwich and the surrounding neighbourhood (the Area of Benefit) to participate in the organisation, staging and performance of the said musical arts.
3 Membership of the Choir shall be open to those who support its objects without regards to race, colour, religion or sex or any disability
4 In pursuance of its objective the Choir shall have the power to:

  • promote the public performance of the musical arts.
  • purchase, acquire and hold property, equipment and any other effects necessary for the furtherance of its objective
  • raise money by the holding of specific events and to invite donations and contributions from members of the public, commerce, industry and others.

Honorary Officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Honorary Officers shall comprise a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer together with such additional officers as the AGM may from time to time determine.

The Chairperson shall retire after three years and the Treasurer and Secretary shall have an assistant learning the role so that the said Officers can retire on a rotational basis.

No Officer shall serve for more than three years without standing down for at least one year. Officers shall retire on a rotational basis


A Committee shall be elected at the AGM and shall be responsible to the AGM for determining the rules, policy and general management of the affairs of the Choir.

The membership of the Committee shall comprise the Honorary Officers, the Conductor and such other number as may be decided at the AGM.

The Committee may co-opt additional members up to one third the elected membership in number.

The Committee shall have power to appoint such Sub-Committee’s as it shall from time to time deem necessary and to determine their powers and terms of reference.

The Honorary Officers shall be, ex officio, members of all Sub-Committees.

The minutes of Sub-Committees shall be reported to and shall be subject to approval by The Committee.

The Committee shall meet, at least once a term.

Any member who shall fail to attend three consecutive meetings of The Committee without providing reasonable cause for none attendance shall be deemed to have resigned.

All members of The Committee shall retire annually but shall be eligible for re-election or co-option.

7 The Committee shall call an Annual General Meeting of members once each calendar year to be held not later than the last day of February to which all Singing and Associate Members shall be entitled to attend. The purposes of the meeting shall be:

  • To receive the Annual Examined Accounts;
  • To receive The Committee’s Report;
  • To appoint Honorary Officers and Committee Members;
  • To appoint an accounts examiner
  • To make recommendations to The Committee and, whenever necessary, to amend the Constitution in accordance with Clause 17.
8 The Chairman or Secretary of the Choir may at any time and at their own discretion and shall, within 21 days of receiving a written request to do so signed by not less than 10 members having the power to vote and giving reasons for the request, call an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Choir for the purpose of altering the Constitution in accordance with clause 17, or of considering any matter which may have been referred to them or for any other matter.
9 All Members shall pay such subscription as may be determined by The Committee from time to time.
10 The funds of the Choir shall be applied only in furtherance of the objects of the Choir.
11 No payment other than for out of pocket expenses shall be made to any member of the Choir.
12 The Treasurer shall keep full and proper accounts for the purpose of managing the funds of the Choir. The financial year shall begin on the first day of January. Annual accounts shall be prepared and submitted for examination within two months of the end of each financial year.
13 Rules of Procedure at All Meetings:

  • Subject to the provisions of clause 17, all questions arising at any meeting shall be decided by a simple majority of those present and entitled to vote.
  • No member shall exercise more than one vote notwithstanding that he/she may have been appointed to represent two or more interests.
  • In the case of an equality of votes the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.
  • One third of the members shall form a quorum at all meetings.
  • Minutes shall be taken and kept for all Meetings. The appropriate secretary shall enter a record therein of all proceedings and resolutions
14 Standing Orders and Rules for the conduct of the Choir may be made by The Committee, subject to the provisions of the Constitution.
15 Trust Property: The title of all and any real property or equipment which may be acquired by or for the purposes of the Choir shall be vested in The Committee as Trustees

Dissolution: If the Committee, by a simple majority, decides at any time that on the grounds of expense or otherwise that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve The Choir, it shall call a General Meeting of all the Members of the Choir who have the power to vote, for the purpose of considering such dissolution.

Twenty-one days’ notice of such a meeting shall be given in writing to all members of the Choir.

Confirmation of the dissolution shall be by not less than a two thirds majority of those present. If such a resolution is confirmed, then The Committee shall have power to dispose of any assets held by or in the Name of The Choir.

Any assets remaining after the settlement of all debts and liabilities shall be applied towards such charitable purposes similar to those of the Choir and within the Area of Benefit or to be distributed to choir members currently on the list of choir members


Alterations to The Constitution:

Proposals to alter the Constitution must be delivered, in writing, to the Secretary of The Choir not less than 28 days before the date of the meeting at which it is first to be considered.

An alteration shall require the approval of both a simple majority of members of the The Committee present and voting at a Committee meeting and a two thirds majority of Members present and voting at a General Meeting.

Notice of each meeting shall be given in accordance with normal procedure but not less than 14 days prior to the meeting in question and shall give the exact wording of the proposed alteration.

This Constitution was adopted as the Constitution of the Condate Singers at an Annual General Meeting held at Northwich Methodist Outreach Centre, Witton Street., Northwich, CW9 5EA

On Thursday, 16th May 2024


K Benson J M Scott
Chairman Secretary